Begin with an Action Plan

At Pelican Invests, we're here to help you take control of your financial future. We work with you to build a plan for a strong financial foundation, ensuring you stay on track to achieve your goals.

Coming soon to the Pelican Invests App!

Action Planning

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Action Plan

Our Action Plan sets you up with the financial foundation to succeed.

We take a snapshot of where you are at today, help you define and plan for your financial milestones, and regularly review your progress and adjust your plan as needed.

Action planning is a digital service available on the Pelican Invests app through a monthly subscription fee.

How It Works

  • 1. Initial Assessment

  • 2. Budgeting Assistance

  • 3. Goal Setting and Planning

  • 4. Personalized Strategy

  • 5. Progress Tracking


  • How does the Action Planning process work?

    We start by taking a snapshot of your current financial situation. From there, we help you build a solid financial foundation, guiding you through the process of defining and planning for key financial milestones, such as buying a home or saving for education. We also assist you in choosing the right investment options to help you achieve these goals.

  • Can I get help with specific financial goals, like buying a home or saving for education?

    Absolutely! We specialize in helping you define and plan for major financial milestones. Whether you’re looking to buy a home, save for your children’s education, or plan for retirement, we’ll work with you to create a strategy that aligns with your goals and helps you achieve them.

  • How often can I review my financial plan?

    Your financial plan is regularly reviewed and updated as needed. We understand that life changes and financial goals may evolve, so we ensure your plan stays aligned with your current needs and aspirations. You have digital access to a financial professional as part of your monthly subscription.

  • What is included in a Pelican Action Plan?

    Pelican works with you to build a plan to meet your goals. The plan provides digital goal-based steps and digital access to a financial professional to answer any questions you may have, This includes a monthly subscription that allows you to regularly consult with an expert, review your financial goals, and make informed decisions about your financial future.

  • What features are included in each subscription plan?

    Core Plan: Provides personalized step-by-step action plans, and ongoing content to navigate your educational savings goals.

    Premium Plan: Includes all features of the Core plan, plus unlimited access to chat-based coaching, and ongoing monitoring and adjustments by our financial experts.

  • What is the cost of the monthly subscription?

    The cost of the monthly subscription varies based on the level of service and support you choose.

    Core: $4.99 per month

    Premium: $12.99 per month

  • Is there a long-term commitment required?

    There is no long-term commitment required. You can continue with our services for as long as you find them valuable, and you’re free to cancel your subscription at any time.

  • What if my financial situation changes?

    If your financial situation changes, we’re here to help you adjust your plan accordingly. During your regular review sessions, we’ll assess your progress and make any necessary modifications to ensure your financial strategy continues to support your goals.

  • How do I track my progress?

    Your progress is tracked through regular reviews with your financial professional. We provide you with tools and reports to monitor your milestones, investments, and overall financial health, ensuring you stay on track to meet your goals.

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